eNEO2050: An Equitable Future for Northeast Ohio
NOACA's Long Range Plan is a comprehensive plan that guides Northeast Ohio's major infrastructure investments and vision for the future. This framework sets the agenda for all forms of transportation in the region, including automobile, bridge and roadway, transit, bicycle, walking, and the movement of freight.
The plan also incorporates an examination of the region's land use patterns, environmental concerns, studying income disadvantaged and sensitive areas, with the goal of identifying better policy for housing and economic development within the region.
eNEO2050 takes a complete approach to addressing both immediate and future transportation needs by incorporating elements from studies completed over the past four years. The overall goal of the plan is to increase mobility and improve the quality of life for area residents.
eNEO2050 satisfies a Federal requirement that metropolitan planning organizations shall develop a transportation plan that forecasts at least 20 years into the future.

What we plan today will impact our region for years to come. That's why it's critically important that we gather input from the community, and work to project the effects the decisions we make on our area in the years and decades to come.
So, while the public input is important, so too is the ability to project out what the future looks like given the plans we implement today. We have modeled out four scenarios, aimed at projecting what the region looks like in 2050 based upon the effects of this long range plan.
Learn more about the four scenarios plotted out and their effects on the future, and give your thoughts on specific aspects of each of these scenarios.

Enable Inclusive & Transparent Public Planning
The visioning process to create eNEO2050 actively seeks increased participation and decision-making by populations that have been left out of such processes in the past.
Reflect Shared Values
By establishing a shared vision, inconsistent policies and investment decisions can more easily be refined to better effect change.
Respect Choice
Preserving our quality of life, expanding choices for Northeast Ohio’s citizens and respecting local government and individual property rights are essential principles for this process.
Promote Informed Decision-Making
Currently, many decisions and practices are made in the absence of accurate and accessible region-wide or local data. eNEO2050 aspires to provide this missing information and articulate the region’s choices clearly and unambiguously.
Coordinate Efforts & Investments
By relentlessly driving for improvements in how we do business and improving how we plan, Northeast Ohio will be able to eliminate waste of resources and leverage regional assets, investments, and opportunities to their fullest potential.
Enable & Promote Action
This process is intended to stimulate broad public participation, which will lead to development of a shared regional vision and strategic policy framework, a dashboard of metrics, and a set of tools, policies, and pilot programs that will be politically actionable at many levels of government.
Improve Quality of Life
eNEO2050 will promote integrated regional land use, and housing, transportation, and capital investment planning to enhance the region’s economic competitiveness, increase its resilience, provide its citizens better access to decent, affordable housing, and offer more cost-effective transportation choices.

Vibrant NEO 2040
Vibrant NEO 2040 is the most recent regional visioning effort, completed in 2014. This plan looked beyond the NOACA boundaries and examined the wider region's long-range development patterns. The studies completed and goals established in this plan will serve as a framework for eNEO2050.