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eNEO2050 Long-Range Plan
Vision Document


NOACA adopts a new LRTP every four years to ensure uninterrupted access to federal transportation dollars for projects within its region. As discussed and planned extensively over the past several years, NOACA developed eNEO2050 to comply with that requirement. FHWA, FTA and USEPA must issue a finding that transportation conformity with the applicable air quality State Implementation Plans (SIPs) has been achieved by July 1, 2021.


The final draft of eNEO2050 is available below: 


Vision Document


Download Full Document



Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Resource Document


Since January 2020, NOACA has been developing the long-range plan, eNEO2050: An Equitable Future for Northeast Ohio. We are excited to unveil and discuss this comprehensive plan built for and by Northeast Ohio, that aligns our future transportation and environmental planning initiatives. Our focus for this plan is based on equitable access, ranging from land use, housing, jobs, health, economics and quality of life.


During the month of May, NOACA held a public meeting and provided a draft version of eNEO2050 for the public-at-large and stakeholders to review during a public comment period from May 4 to June 3, 2021. After careful consideration, the Resource Document was updated to include various recommendations.

eNEO2050 Long Transportation Range Plan - Resource 

The Resource document is an updated version of the draft plan. The technical document include revisions based on public comment and provides a more comprehensive analysis of the plan development.


Click and download the following chapters below to view the final updates.


Executive Summary

Chapter 1: Envision the Future

Chapter 2: Examine Current Plans

Chapter 3: Regional Context

Chapter 4: Engage the Community

Chapter 5: Enable the Economy

Chapter 6: Excellent Housing

Chapter 7: Efficient Land Use

Chapter 8: Environment and Health

Chapter 9: Equal Access -Future Transportation Mode

Chapter 10: Expected Financial Plan

Chapter 11: eNEO2050 Final Chapter



Appendix 1-1 Ohio Transportation System Performance

Appendix 4-1 Public Engagement Samples

Appendix 4-2 NOACA Regional Survey Public Opinion

Appendix 4-3 NOACA Final Report Public Opinion

Appendix 4-4 NOACA Age Public Opinion

Appendix 4-5 NOACA Race Income Disparity Public Opinion

Appendix 4-6 NOACA Environmental Justice Public Opinion

Appendix 4-7 NOACA Employment Status Public Opinion

Appendix 4-8 Webinar Presentation of Survey Result

Appendix 4-9 Public Comments

Appendix 4-10 Outline of Chapter Updates

Appendix 9-1 Scenario Comparison Charts

Appendix 10-1 ODOT Programs eligible for Highway and Non-motorized Projects

Appendix 10-2 eNEO 2050 Forecasted Revenue Scenarios – Growth Rates

Appendix 10-3 Estimated Annual Revenues Scenarios with Applied Growth Rates

Appendix 10-4 eNEO 2050 Minor Projects

Appendix 10-5 eNEO 2050 TAM Pavement Maps

Appendix 10-6 eNEO 2050 Bicycle Projects Map

Appendix 10-7 eNEO 2050 Pedestrian Projects Map

Appendix 10-8 Air Quality Conformity Documentation

AIM Forward 2040


Presentation & Recording

All comments were documented as part of NOACA's public participation records and are listed as Appendix 4-9 and 4-10. 

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